We believe;
Each child is an individual and every effort is taken to encourage self assurance and confidence of those in our care.
All children should have access to quality child care which aims to reflect their special skills, talents, cultural values and individual needs.
Our role is to seek ways to support family life, to provide constructive play situations for children, and to generate creative ideas for leisure time.
Children learn through play which is essential to physical, intellectual, social and emotional development.
We aim to;
Make parents feel welcome at Norwood OSHC and to encourage them to have a good rapport with staff.
Give parents access to information about the Centre through policies, programs, newsletters and discussion.
Promote parental involvement in the Management of the Centre at whatever level they feel comfortable.
Encourage and respect parent’s ideas and input into the program through regular discussion and evaluation.
Keep parents informed of changes in current practice and policy.
On occasion there can be a waiting list to access Norwood OSHC services, especially for After School and Vacation Care. Please check with our friendly staff and remember to book early.
We will send you an enrolment pack which provides information about getting started, fees, contacts, booking procedures, programs and more. You can request an enrolment pack by emailing margie@norwoodoshc.org.au
We are registered as an approved Education and Care provider on the ACECQA (Australian Children's Education & Care Quality Authority) website which means that parents are able to access Child Care Subsidy fee reductions.
Please follow this Link for our basic Fee Structure (before CCS is applied).
Yes, you can cancel bookings for After and Before School Care. Please follow the link below for conditions and contact details to enable you to change your bookings and avoid unnecessary fees.
Please follow this Link for Cancellation terms and conditions
To find out more please contact Centrelink directly on 136150 (8am to 8pm) or access your myGov account. There is online help available at:
You can also follow the links on our Information page for more assistance.
Click here to access our links.
Only a parent / guardian or adult who is listed on your enrolment form can collect your child from our service. If you need someone else to collect your child, please contact our service to add the individual to your collection list. No person under 18 may collect a child.
Assistant Director
Norwood OSHC Student Committee
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