Before School Care                

Before School Fee $20.00

Before School Care operates from 7:00am to 8:45am every morning of the school term

Signing In


Each parent or guardian is allocated a PIN number and must accompany and sign their child in upon arrival (this is a legal requirement; see OSHC Policy for Bookings/Cancellations for Before School Care).



The children are offered a range of choices for breakfast upon arrival until 8:00am. These can include fruit, cereals, toast and Up & Go Milk drinks.



They have the opportunity to play sport, participate in art/craft, watch TV or play computer games. Responsible year 6-7 children can leave at 8:30am and Teachers are on duty to supervise the children in the playground at this time. New reception children are escorted to their classrooms by an OSHC educator at 8.45am.

School Time


Children are signed out by a staff member from 8.30am onwards to go to their classrooms. Teachers are also on duty to supervise the children in the playground at this time. New enrolments and junior primary children are escorted by OSHC staff to their classrooms.

Observe, Create, Achieve

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